Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Benson's Birth

so I realize that i haven't updated this blog in quite some time, things have been very busy so this might be a long post, if you dont want to read it all, i totally understand! lets start back with the 4th of July weekend post that i've been meaning to post but never did :

(Warning: it talks about the delivery!)
This has been the best 4th of July I have ever had! Normally this holiday is a curse for me but my luck has finally changed! To help get us excited for the holiday we doubled up with our good friend the Campbells to go see the Wolverine movie in the dollar theater.

It was pretty cheesy and a little violent for my taste but overall I enjoyed it, especially the company since Joseph and Chelsie got Creamery Ice Cream for us afterwards- Sooo Yummy!
Saturday morning me and Chelsie dragged our husbands to the Provo 4th of July parade- which if anyone doesn't know, is one of the biggest events Provo does and people go crazy with trying to reserve spots along the route. We all thoroughly enjoyed the parade. Scott and Joseph's favorite part was the big army tanks. i'd have to say that I really liked the kilts and bag pipes and Chelise just loved all of it!
Afterward Scott and I made our way up to Salt Lake to celebrate the 4th with his mom and sister. We got the all American KFC dinner and watched Independence Day. To top it off we were able to get on the roof and watch the whole valley shoot off fireworks. We were able to see six different shows from across the valley. it was beautiful.
Sunday we stayed up in Salt Lake most the night and got home kinda late and went to bed around midnight and around 1215 i started having contractions, but they weren't close enough together to go in so i just hung around the house for another 2 hours till they were getting harder to push through. we got in the hospital around 2 and just watched me and the contractions for an hour to see if there were in changes- there wasn't any but the doctor ordered my a morphine shot. i dont know how people have kids without medicine!! because of the medicine both scott and i got a little bit of sleep from 3-6 but i still wasn't making any progress. the doctor ended up breaking my water which spend things up very fast- the nurse had me push for 40 minutes until the head was crowning to call the doctor, i told her i felt like he was just going to come out- she left the room for one minute to call him and then when she came out - everything went crazy cause he was coming.. the nurse told Scott to go in the hall and yell baby on the way.. the nurse actually ended up delivering him on my bed even before the doctor on the floor got there- it was really really fast... he just appeared! it was amazing and something so hard to describe- Scott couldn't stop smiling and was so proud to be a dad. Benson came around 130pm and weighed 6 pds 13 ozs and is 18.5 inches long. I still can't believe how little he is! especially with me and scott's gene's.. but he did come early and we love him so much "
