Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I am a Shopaholic

Thanks for a great tip off from my blogging friend Mindy, I found out that Gap was having a 40% of sale on EVERYTHING yesterday.

I've been trying to be really good about not going shopping because we are trying to keep in our budget and save money, etc, etc. BUT i couldn't resist - 40% off!!

So.. i went. i didn't find a lot for me but the baby section, i gave in and found some super cute onesies for Benson and some tops for our nieces.. can't wait to show them! this one was my favorite:

There is something about shopping and getting great deals that just makes me feel soo re-energized! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE LOVE good sales! Its like a high. seriously. I like to think shopping is my way of dealing with stress, and its cheaper than a shrink.

Scott says there is something wrong with the chemicals in my head...

.... which may be true...


michael. mindy. dane. said...

So glad you found some stuff!

Green River High School said...

DANG!!! I wish I knew this!!! (actually, it's probably better.. I go a little nuts with shopping+sales at times!)