Sunday, January 11, 2009


Our camera has been out of commission and i feel bad that i don't have any pictures with our update. This last semester was very stressful and overwhelming but we pulled through. Scott was working full time and going to school full time. I had 20 credits and working more than i desired. it definitely kept us on our toes and the holidays we welcomed with both hands opened!

Thanksgiving we spend with my family our in North Carolina with the traditional shooting, go carting, and lots of fun. We headed up to Washington D.C. and gave Scott a tour of my hometown and saw our good friends the Welti's.

Christmas we stayed up in Salt Lake and enjoyed a white Christmas with Scott's family. Our new niece made it just in time to celebrate Christmas with us, which everyone adored and was so excited!

We are now trying to plow through all this snow and our last semester!

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