Thursday, April 30, 2009

Tums, Tums, Tums

So I am at 29 weeks and just recently experienced what it's like to have heartburn. I woke up in the middle of the night and had a tightness in my chest that hurt so bad I couldn't breath. I thought I was having a heart attack! it was awful! We went into the E.R. and after ultrasounds and tests, they think its that my esophagus had a spasm from all the acid build up. I am on some very potent ant-acids and have been best friends with berry tums for the last few weeks. I can't leave the house without 'em!


michael. mindy. dane. said...

You freaking crack me up! I miss you! This is the sad part of graduating :( Congrats on your 2 year anniversary! I guess we only got married a couple months apart. Go us!

Alison said...

Oooh, no fun! I am sorry you had it that bad. Are the berry Tums better than the tropical ones?

Kristie L said...

Oh Gini - I hate to tell you this, but it only gets worse! With Kiersten tums worked for my heartburn (for me it started at 20 weeks - I was hooked on the berry ones too!), but with Tanner I could max out on Tums and water still gave me heartburn by 24 weeks. Who knows what will happen if I ever get to baby number 3? I will tell you, Prilosec is a wonderful thing! :)